What you need to focus on to create high value video

What you need to focus on to create high value video.

First let me preface this by saying if you’re video is an hour long it better be amazing. What I am referring to in the video is more about creating great ideas rather than worry about a few minutes. Entertain to engage, use emotion to connect. Whether your company video or your product video or your branding video be B2C or B2B, the same rule applies.

The best numbers online come from the extensive research undertaken by Wistia and they state that engagement is steady up to two minutes. However, I don’t agree with the approach to getting these numbers and I question those numbers validity when it comes to making an informed decision. For example the top trending video on youtube as I write this is titled,  “Learn Colors Play Doh Balls Ice Cream Pororo Disney Frozen Mickey Mouse Paw Patrol Surprise Toys”. The total run time is 13 minutes and 24 seconds. It currently has almost 25 million views in under 24 hours. What is this telling us? First, it tells us that engaging content gets views. Second, it tells us if you effectively meet your market in your video, your content will be seen.

OK, watch my video to find out more.


Here is the transcript.

One of the questions I get asked everyday and not just by companies I work for but by  other video producers is, how long should you make a video? 90 Seconds? Two minutes? Five minutes? The short answer is the stats say today that it should be no longer than 90 seconds to two minutes and then you get a marked drop off in viewers. I say bullshit.

On youtube for example, where a lot of these stats are coming from, a lot of the videos are complete and utter trash. Some of them are really good. The answer to the question depends on the content. So, if you want people to watch your video, make it entertaining. It’s a really simple equation. Make it entertaining = people will watch.

It’s been the same since the dawn of time. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. If it’s interesting, people will watch it.

You’ve got to be able to connect emotion, funny, sad, happy to normal everyday people and if it’s not inline with your product you’ve got to make it inline with your product. You’ve got to decide how you are going to go with it. That’s the short answer to it. Stop worrying about time and start worrying about content. Make it entertaining. That’s the key to it all.

It’s one of the things that really bug me I guess when I’m out there and people are saying, well I’ve read the stats. It’s got to be no longer than 90 seconds and let’s go. Yes, but what are you trying to do here? Where are you? What do you want to achieve?

If you’re right down the sales funnel and you know you have a very specific point to make, that’s fine, make it really quick. If you’re up the top where you need people aware of you, people aware of what you’re doing then being specific and corporatie (is this a word), gets you no where.

You’ve got to connect your brand to a message and a message that’s entertaining. That’s the bottom line. If you go based on that you will be off to a good start.




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